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Postdoctoral Position in non-human primate Neurophysiology/Neuroethology

Postdoctoral Position in non-human primate Neurophysiology/Neuroethology

University of Parma

Web page:

Luca Bonini’s lab at the University of Parma offers one position for a postdoctoral researcher in the context of an ongoing ERC funded project to study the brain mechanisms underlying natural behaviors of macaque monkeys. Single neuron activity will be recorded with telemetric techniques while animals will move freely in a large plastic enclosure monitored by a system of multiple high-resolution cameras. The goal of this new approach is to study peripersonal space, mirror neuron and motor planning in close-to-natural but well-controlled conditions.

The project is supported by, besides the European Research Council (, the Italian Ministry of Research, with guaranteed funding for the next 4 years

Candidates must have a PhD in the field of Neuroscience, preferably neurophysiology (but not necessarily with non-human primates), and good skills in data analysis (e.g. MATLAB). Previous experiences with kinematic and video/behavioural data analysis are also appreciated.

Applicants should send a CV and a statement of interest to Dr Bonini (

Address: via Volturno 39/E, 43125 Parma, Italy