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IUPS 2024 Beacon Meeting New Dealine October 1st 2024
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Inaugural IUPS Beacon meeting

As a mechanism to help international face to face networking between physiologists , especially early-stage ones, and to celebrate areas of excellence in physiological research, IUPS have started an annual series of small, short, inexpensive, cloistered meetings, rather like Gordon conferences or FASEB meetings.

Our first Beacon meeting will be in Tutzing, near Munich on October 25-28th  2024,

The topic will be Rhythmic activity and its disorders in muscle and brain.

We have a superb set of speakers lined up, and on-site accommodation at a beautiful lakeside venue.

Visit the website for further details

 We still have places left for participants and travel awards available for this exciting meeting – registration deadline 1st October 2024.

More information also from Professor Susan Wray, IUPS President:

 Poster beacon 2024 (002)

A printout version of the poster can be found here: Poster beacon 2024 (2)