Professor Fabio Benfenati
University of Genova School of Medicine Department of Experimental Medicine Director, Center for Synaptic Neuroscience and Technology The Italian Institute of Technology Largo Rosanna Benzi 10 16132 Genova – Italy tel: (+39) 010-8610201 e-mail: fabio.benfenati@iit.it Web: www.iit.it/en-US/nsyn-unige

Professor Margarethe Geiger
Medical University of Vienna Center of Physiology and Pharmacology Schwarzspanierstrasse 17, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
tel.: +43 1 688 8131180 e-mail: margarethe.geiger@ meduniwien.ac.at

Professor Susan Wray
University of Liverpool Institute of Translational Medicine Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology Liverpool Women's Hospital University Dept. 1st Floor Crown Street Liverpool, L8 7SS, UK tel +44 151 794 5306/5329 fax +44 151 794 5321 s.wray@liv.ac.uk

Priv. Doz. Dr. Nina D. Ullrich
University of Bern Institute of Physiology Bühlplatz 5 CH-3012 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41 31 684 87 46 Email: nina.ullrich@unibe.ch
Professor Laszlo Csernoch
University of DebrecenFaculty of MedicineDepartment of PhysiologyNagyerdei krt. 98, Debrecen, H-4032tel.: +36 52 255 575e-mail: csl@edu.unideb.hu

Professor Christian Aalkjaer
Aarhus University Director Danish Cardiovascular Academy Høegh- Guldbergsgade 10 8000 Aarhus C Denmark tel.: +45 3045 4306 e-mail: ca@biomed.au.dk